> Stepehen Meleady (Bridgestone Gym, Ireland) V Nuno Flamino (Team N.S. Portugal) 59kg 5 X 2 min. |
This was a much anticipated International fight between the upcoming Bridgestone fighter Stephen Meleady and his highly rated Portuguese opponent Nuno Flamino
The second started similar to the first with Flamino piling on the pressure but unable to land a clean telling strike. halfway through the round Meleady started to get the measure of the Portuguese fighter with some solid punchinmg which opened up Flaminos nose. The Irishman now started controlling the fight hitting Flamino with a left hook, right cross and left shin kick to the body all landing solidly on their targets. The third saw Meleady in total control throughout picking his targets at will with kicks knees and punching. The Irishman landed a knee to the head of Flamino just before the bell and this constant pressure was wearing down the Portuguese fighter. Again in the fourth round with Meleady in total control desperation saw Flamino throwing a wild spinning backfist easily avoided by Meleady who countered with a shin kick to the body which lifted the Portuguese fighter off his feet such was the power. Flamino backbeddled in order toi survive Meleady's onslaught but could not escape taking punishment including taking a flying knee to the head just before the bell but survived. The fifth and final round saw Flamino in a last supreme effort to turn the fight around but met with no success and after about 30 seconds into the round Meleady sent him to the canvas from a solid body kick. The rest of the round again saw Flamino on the back foot using his best survival skills to make it to the bell. The expected result was an unanimous points win for Meleady. |